American BioSciences first introduced the fermented mushroom extract, Active Hexose Correlated Compound to US consumers, doctors and researchers in 1999. More than 60 articles have been published (as of June 2019 – the date of this research update) in peer-reviewed and medical journals. Below are links to research via the US National Library of Medicine, (search term "active hexose correlated compound") divided by category, human, review, animal and cell line, in publication date order – most recent first.

We encourage consumers, physicians and researcher to review the published research. Please contact our company with any questions or comments you may have.

Best wishes for peak health,
David Wales, President
American BioSciences, Inc.
(845) 727-0800


Click For: Published studies indexed via the US National Library of Medicine (Pubmed)

Click For: Studies and articles not indexed on US National Library of Medicine (Pubmed)